Friday, January 23, 2009

Barn Yard

As far as the title, my kids are watching the movie "Barnyard". It's pretty cute but all the cows have disturbingly placed udders made worse by the fact that the cows stand upright like humans. In order to try to forget that weirdness, I started thinking about the barn of my childhood. My dad built it himself and it was painted brick red. We had horses that lived in that big, sweet smelling barn. I still dream about that barn. There was hay stacked up in tall columns. You could crawl into the nooks and crannies and curl up for hours. Of course if it fell on you, you would be crushed to death, but back in the 80's, my mom was was working a full time job, as well as my dad, and they let me and my brother run wild in the surrounding woods and play in the barn. I don't think many parents nowadays would let their children do that, I know I won't. Too many darned predators, and it's not the wild animal variety that I'm worried about. Instead, the kiddos are stuck inside watching weird cows frolic in a computer animated barn. How will this affect them? I don't know but the real thing has got to be better.......

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