Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We made ladybug cupcakes for a picnic last weekend. They appear well they should have been because we ate them all!

In light of recent parasitic perplexities, I've been judicious with the kid's outdoor play. Before the parasite incident, we played outdoors extensively, inspecting the insects, sniffing the snails, touching the turtles, following the frogs, petting the pets (the dog was negative for toxocara by the way so it wasn't her; the cat disagreed with the specimen collection method...ahem...and the vet couldn't get a sample so we don't know if it was her but regardless, they both got "de-parasited" just in case).

We visited our most favorite place yesterday (Oatland Island Wildlife Center) to see our animal friends and noticed this sign for the first time.

It was just what we needed to "get back on the horse (OR BUG)". We love exploring our natural world and after 2 weeks of shunning it, we got back out into it. We are picking up bugs and things again but with a new respect for them and the dangers they can bring.

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